756. Pyramid Transition Matrix #
题目 #
We are stacking blocks to form a pyramid. Each block has a color which is a one letter string.
We are allowed to place any color block C
on top of two adjacent blocks of colors A
and B
, if and only if ABC
is an allowed triple.
We start with a bottom row of bottom
, represented as a single string. We also start with a list of allowed triples allowed
. Each allowed triple is represented as a string of length 3.
Return true if we can build the pyramid all the way to the top, otherwise false.
Example 1:
Input: bottom = "BCD", allowed = ["BCG", "CDE", "GEA", "FFF"]
Output: true
We can stack the pyramid like this:
/ \
/ \ / \
We are allowed to place G on top of B and C because BCG is an allowed triple. Similarly, we can place E on top of C and D, then A on top of G and E.
Example 2:
Input: bottom = "AABA", allowed = ["AAA", "AAB", "ABA", "ABB", "BAC"]
Output: false
We can't stack the pyramid to the top.
Note that there could be allowed triples (A, B, C) and (A, B, D) with C != D.
will be a string with length in range[2, 8]
will have length in range[0, 200]
.- Letters in all strings will be chosen from the set
{'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G'}
题目大意 #
现在,我们用一些方块来堆砌一个金字塔。 每个方块用仅包含一个字母的字符串表示,例如 “Z”。使用三元组表示金字塔的堆砌规则如下:
(A, B, C) 表示,“C” 为顶层方块,方块 “A”、“B” 分别作为方块 “C” 下一层的的左、右子块。当且仅当(A, B, C)是被允许的三元组,我们才可以将其堆砌上。
初始时,给定金字塔的基层 bottom,用一个字符串表示。一个允许的三元组列表 allowed,每个三元组用一个长度为 3 的字符串表示。如果可以由基层一直堆到塔尖返回 true,否则返回 false。
解题思路 #
这一题是一道 DFS 的题目。题目给出金字塔的底座字符串。然后还会给一个字符串数组,字符串数组里面代表的字符串的砖块。砖块是 3 个字符串组成的。前两个字符代表的是砖块的底边,后一个字符代表的是砖块的顶部。问给出的字符能拼成一个金字塔么?金字塔的特点是顶端就一个字符。
这一题用 DFS 深搜每个砖块,从底层砖块开始逐渐往上层码。每递归一层,新一层底部的砖块都会变。当递归到了一层底部只有 2 个字符,顶部只有一个字符的时候,就到金字塔顶端了,就算是完成了。这一题为了挑选合适的砖块,需要把每个砖块底部的 2 个字符作为 key 放进 map 中,加速查找。题目中也给出了特殊情况,相同底部可能存在多种砖块,所以一个 key 可能对应多个 value 的情况,即可能存在多个顶部砖块的情况。这种情况在递归遍历中需要考虑。
代码 #
package leetcode
func pyramidTransition(bottom string, allowed []string) bool {
pyramid := make(map[string][]string)
for _, v := range allowed {
pyramid[v[:len(v)-1]] = append(pyramid[v[:len(v)-1]], string(v[len(v)-1]))
return dfsT(bottom, "", pyramid)
func dfsT(bottom, above string, pyramid map[string][]string) bool {
if len(bottom) == 2 && len(above) == 1 {
return true
if len(bottom) == len(above)+1 {
return dfsT(above, "", pyramid)
base := bottom[len(above) : len(above)+2]
if data, ok := pyramid[base]; ok {
for _, key := range data {
if dfsT(bottom, above+key, pyramid) {
return true
return false