1657. Determine if Two Strings Are Close

1657. Determine if Two Strings Are Close #

题目 #

Two strings are considered close if you can attain one from the other using the following operations:

  • Operation 1: Swap any two existing characters.
    • For example, abcde -> aecdb
  • Operation 2: Transform every occurrence of one existing character into another existing character, and do the same with the other character.
    • For example, aacabb -> bbcbaa (all a's turn into b's, and all b's turn into a's)

You can use the operations on either string as many times as necessary.

Given two strings, word1 and word2, return true if word1 and word2 are close, and false otherwise.

Example 1:

Input: word1 = "abc", word2 = "bca"
Output: true
Explanation: You can attain word2 from word1 in 2 operations.
Apply Operation 1: "abc" -> "acb"
Apply Operation 1: "acb" -> "bca"

Example 2:

Input: word1 = "a", word2 = "aa"
Output: false
Explanation: It is impossible to attain word2 from word1, or vice versa, in any number of operations.

Example 3:

Input: word1 = "cabbba", word2 = "abbccc"
Output: true
Explanation: You can attain word2 from word1 in 3 operations.
Apply Operation 1: "cabbba" -> "caabbb"
Apply Operation 2: "caabbb" -> "baaccc"
Apply Operation 2: "baaccc" -> "abbccc"

Example 4:

Input: word1 = "cabbba", word2 = "aabbss"
Output: false
Explanation: It is impossible to attain word2 from word1, or vice versa, in any amount of operations.


  • 1 <= word1.length, word2.length <= 105
  • word1 and word2 contain only lowercase English letters.

题目大意 #

如果可以使用以下操作从一个字符串得到另一个字符串,则认为两个字符串 接近 :

  • 操作 1:交换任意两个 现有 字符。例如,abcde -> aecdb
  • 操作 2:将一个 现有 字符的每次出现转换为另一个 现有 字符,并对另一个字符执行相同的操作。例如,aacabb -> bbcbaa(所有 a 转化为 b ,而所有的 b 转换为 a )

你可以根据需要对任意一个字符串多次使用这两种操作。给你两个字符串,word1 和 word2 。如果 word1 和 word2 接近 ,就返回 true ;否则,返回 false 。

解题思路 #

  • 判断 2 个字符串是否“接近”。“接近”的定义是能否通过交换 2 个字符或者 2 个字母互换,从一个字符串变换成另外一个字符串,如果存在这样的变换,即是“接近”。
  • 先统计 2 个字符串的 26 个字母的频次,如果频次有不相同的,直接返回 false。在频次相同的情况下,再从小到大排序,再次扫描判断频次是否相同。
  • 注意几种特殊情况:频次相同,再判断字母交换是否合法存在,如果字母不存在,输出 false。例如测试文件中的 case 5 。出现频次个数相同,但是频次不同。例如测试文件中的 case 6 。

代码 #

package leetcode

import (

func closeStrings(word1 string, word2 string) bool {
	if len(word1) != len(word2) {
		return false
	freqCount1, freqCount2 := make([]int, 26), make([]int, 26)
	for _, c := range word1 {
	for _, c := range word2 {
	for i := 0; i < 26; i++ {
		if (freqCount1[i] == freqCount2[i]) ||
			(freqCount1[i] > 0 && freqCount2[i] > 0) {
		return false
	for i := 0; i < 26; i++ {
		if freqCount1[i] != freqCount2[i] {
			return false
	return true



Calendar Apr 8, 2023
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