1662. Check if Two String Arrays Are Equivalent

1662. Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent #

题目 #

Given two string arrays word1 and word2, return **true if the two arrays represent the same string, and false otherwise.

A string is represented by an array if the array elements concatenated in order forms the string.

Example 1:

Input: word1 = ["ab", "c"], word2 = ["a", "bc"]
Output: true
word1 represents string "ab" + "c" -> "abc"
word2 represents string "a" + "bc" -> "abc"
The strings are the same, so return true.

Example 2:

Input: word1 = ["a", "cb"], word2 = ["ab", "c"]
Output: false

Example 3:

Input: word1  = ["abc", "d", "defg"], word2 = ["abcddefg"]
Output: true


  • 1 <= word1.length, word2.length <= 103
  • 1 <= word1[i].length, word2[i].length <= 103
  • 1 <= sum(word1[i].length), sum(word2[i].length) <= 103
  • word1[i] and word2[i] consist of lowercase letters.

题目大意 #

给你两个字符串数组 word1 和 word2 。如果两个数组表示的字符串相同,返回 true ;否则,返回 false 。数组表示的字符串 是由数组中的所有元素 按顺序 连接形成的字符串。

解题思路 #

  • 简单题,依次拼接 2 个数组内的字符串,然后比较 str1 和 str2 是否相同即可。

代码 #

package leetcode

func arrayStringsAreEqual(word1 []string, word2 []string) bool {
	str1, str2 := "", ""
	for i := 0; i < len(word1); i++ {
		str1 += word1[i]
	for i := 0; i < len(word2); i++ {
		str2 += word2[i]
	return str1 == str2



Calendar Apr 8, 2023
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