1678. Goal Parser Interpretation #
题目 #
You own a Goal Parser that can interpret a string command
. The command
consists of an alphabet of "G"
, "()"
and/or "(al)"
in some order. The Goal Parser will interpret "G"
as the string "G"
, "()"
as the string "o"
, and "(al)"
as the string "al"
. The interpreted strings are then concatenated in the original order.
Given the string command
, return the Goal Parser’s interpretation of command
Example 1:
Input: command = "G()(al)"
Output: "Goal"
Explanation: The Goal Parser interprets the command as follows:
G -> G
() -> o
(al) -> al
The final concatenated result is "Goal".
Example 2:
Input: command = "G()()()()(al)"
Output: "Gooooal"
Example 3:
Input: command = "(al)G(al)()()G"
Output: "alGalooG"
1 <= command.length <= 100
consists of"G"
, and/or"(al)"
in some order.
题目大意 #
请你设计一个可以解释字符串 command 的 Goal 解析器 。command 由 “G”、"()” 和/或 “(al)” 按某种顺序组成。Goal 解析器会将 “G” 解释为字符串 “G”、"()” 解释为字符串 “o” ,"(al)” 解释为字符串 “al” 。然后,按原顺序将经解释得到的字符串连接成一个字符串。给你字符串 command ,返回 Goal 解析器 对 command 的解释结果。
解题思路 #
- 简单题,按照题意修改字符串即可。由于是简单题,这一题也不用考虑嵌套的情况。
代码 #
package leetcode
func interpret(command string) string {
if command == "" {
return ""
res := ""
for i := 0; i < len(command); i++ {
if command[i] == 'G' {
res += "G"
} else {
if command[i] == '(' && command[i+1] == 'a' {
res += "al"
i += 3
} else {
res += "o"
i ++
return res